Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and on every page within our site.
When you visit our website, we can record certain information in relation to your visit such as your IP address or proxy server IP address, basic domain information, your internet service provider information, the date and time of your visit, the length of your visit, the pages you have visited, the files you have downloaded, the number of times you have accessed our website, the website that referred you to us, links you clicked on to leave our website, your internet browser information, your operating system information, your email address, if you leave a comment, and possibly other non-identifiable details. This information is collected through the use of cookies via a third party, password protected software.
The Way We Use Information:
IRONcladCE will only use the information it collects through this website to analyze our traffic and usage details, to monitor our website's performance, and to re-contact someone who left their email address with a comment.
IRONcladCE may provide aggregated statistical data to reputable third parties. This is not personally identifiable information.
IRONcladCE will not disclose any personally identifiable, private information about you to a third party unless you have provided us with your consent or we are legally required to do so.
Links to Other Webites
IRONcladCE cannot be held responsible for the content or privacy practices of websites that are referenced or linked to within this website.
Our Commitment To Data Security
To prevent unauthorized access and ensure the security of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online that is under our control.
Changes to Privacy Policy
IRONcladCE retains the right to alter, modify or change the Privacy Policy at any time.
How To Contact Us
Should you have other questions or concerns about this, please call us at 1-858-558-8621.
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